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To: academician Valeriy Rubakov
The Nuclear Research Institute and MSU

Dear Sir,

I have read your wonderful article: “Long-awaited discovery: Boson Higgs/Science and Life. – 2012 №10.

Describing known properties of this new particle, you have mentioned that on the basis of experimental data, lifetime of boson Higgs is TH > 10-24c which doesn’t contradict the description of the Standard Model: TH = 10-22c.

In my scientific work "Quantum Mechanics", I introduced the concept of quantum (S- field) responsible for mass and, in theory, I got the lifetime of the quantum S- field TH > 10-24c (in the non-standard model) in 1988. This coincidence seems rather strange to me. What’s more, there are some other amazing coincidences.

You can read my review on the website : http://quantum-electromechanics.com; or in the editorial office.

I would like to say a few words about the limits of standard model as well:

There is no doubt that the limits of standard model are needed but, it is necessity to revise their relation to the masses of quanta. It will allow to arrange the laws "of quantum mechanics and quantum electromechanics " into surprising harmony of new regularities and equations.

Valery Ryabov
country: Russia
sity: Novocherkassk 346404
E-mail: mrryabov29@gmail.com
Russian Federation country code: 0117
phone: +7 908 511 80 89

Letter to the academician Valeriy Rubakov